§ 1 General provisions
1. These Regulations define the rules of using the PartyFinder application.
2. The owner of the application is LEA24 Sp. z o. o. with headquarters in Toruń, Chrobrego 95,
entered into the National Court Register under KRS number: 0000594438, (hereinafter
referred to as the "application owner").
§ 2 Technical requirements necessary to use the PartyFinder application
An Android or iOS mobile device is required to use the PartyFinder mobile application offered to
users of the services provided by event organizers and entertainment venues (PartySpots).
§ 3 Use of the application
1. The use of the mobile application by individual users is possible after downloading the
application from the online store. The use of the mobile application is free.
2. The application gives Users the opportunity to view advertising offers and information about
events organized by PartySpots,. Advertising offers are provided in the form of photos,
videos, keywords and text descriptions about the event or entertainment venue.
3. The PartyFinder application allows Users to build a network of Friends with whom a given
User can share information about the place (PartySpot) where they are spending their free
time at the moment.
4. Using the Application, the User may check which of the other Application Users registered in
the system as his Friends confirmed their presence at a given event or in a given place. The
User may also invite other Users of the application to a given event or to a given venue.
5. Using the Application, the User may accept an invitation from a PartySpot to use its services
or to a specific event, provided that they belong to the group of Users who observe a given
6. PartyFinder users can participate in user rankings. The rules for assigning points in the
rankings are set out in the PartyFinder Ranking Regulations.
7. To view the offer of event organizers and owners of entertainment venues (PartySpots), the
mobile application itself, without a User account, is sufficient. However, using the
PartyFinder mobile application without a User account does not allow the User to track the
activity of friends or PartSpots, nor does it allow the User to participate in rankings.
8. The user can create his user account directly in the PartyFinder application or by logging in
via the Facebook application.
9. Each User, even those who do not have an account in the PartyFinder application, can
browse the offer of event organizers and owners of entertainment venues (PartySpots) using
the Events and PartySpots tabs.
10. Thanks to the PartyFinder mobile application, the User may invite other people to use the
application and invite other Users to events and entertainment venues.
11. The user can add his friends to the application, who appear in the Friends tab. The
application also allows you to download friends from the Facebook application and select
which of them are to remain Friends also in the PartyFinder application. Thanks to the
PartyFinder application, Users can check which of their Friends are currently participating in
an event posted on the PartyFinder application.
12. The application gives the Users who have PartyFinder account the opportunity to participate
in the PartyFinder Users' rankings. The ranking shows the activity of a given User by assigning
the appropriate number of points for specific activities performed with the PartyFinder
13. The application awards points to Users who use it every day, use it to log into events and
entertainment venues, invite other people to use the application, and use it to invite other
Users to events and entertainment venues.
14. Users may also exchange points collected for repeated logging in via PartyFinder application
to the same entertainment venue for items from a promotional offer prepared by this venue.
Users can make such an exchange under the condition that the entertainment venue is an
active participant in the Partyfinder program at that time. It is at the discretion of the event
organizers and the entertainment venue owners to prepare such a promotional offer and to
determine the number of points required to collect that can be redeemed for items from
such an offer.
15. PartyFinder application owner does not allow sharing prohibited content, that is:
a. containing obscene words or phrases,
b. inciting to violence,
c. racist, anti-Semitic, chauvinistic, vulgar or offensive,
d. violating the principles of social coexistence,
e. offending public figures or other persons participating in the social discourse,
f. violating copyrights,
g. written only in capital letters,
h. containing a long string of punctuation marks.
16. In the event of violation of the provisions contained in point 15, the owner of the PartyFinder
application reserves the right to block the user's account.
§ 4 Copyright
1. All property copyrights to photos, films and all texts on the website www.partyfinder.pl
belong to the owner of the application.
2. The use of the application, including photos, films and texts contained on the website
www.partyfinder.pl, without the consent of their author or copyright holder for any purposes
other than those related to the products of www.partyfinder.pl, constitutes a violation of
copyright, even if it does not entail obtaining material benefits.
3. All property copyrights to photos, films and all texts placed in the mobile application by
event organizers and owners of entertainment venues are their property. The use of such
photos or texts without the consent of their author or copyright holder is a violation of
copyright, even if it does not entail obtaining material benefits.
4. PartyFinder users can participate in user rankings. The rankings are divided into:
in terms of time on monthly and annual basis
in the category of area into provincial and national
5. To view the offer of event organizers and owners of entertainment venues (PartySpots), the
mobile application itself, without a User account, is sufficient. However, using the
PartyFinder mobile application without a User account does not allow you to track the
activity of friends or PartSpots, nor does it allow you to participate in rankings.
§ 5 Protection of personal data
1. The entrusted personal data is protected by the owner of the application.
2. With user’s consent, his/her personal data may be used to inform him/her about new
products, services and promotions offered by the owner of the website www.partfinder.pl
and by event organizers and owners of entertainment venues.
3. With user’s consent, the administrator of personal data, which is the owner of the website
www.partyfinder.pl, may entrust the processing of personal data to another third party on
the terms and conditions set out in the Personal Data Protection Act.
4. Anyone who follows a specific entertainment venue or events organized by them
automatically opt-in to receive notifications and information about that entertainment venue
or the events they organize. Clicking the follow button (in the application in the form of a star
in the description of the venue or event) is tantamount to consent to receive notifications
containing information about new products, services and promotions offered by event
organizers and owners of entertainment venues.
5. Each user, after registering, has the right to access their personal data and correct them. The
personal data entrusted to us is stored and secured in accordance with the principles set out
in applicable law:
a) The Act of August 29, 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (consolidated text,
Journal of Laws No. 101 of 2002, item 926, as amended),
b) The Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of electronic services (Journal of Laws No.
144, item 1204, as amended),
c) Ordinance of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 29 April 2004 on
personal data processing documentation and technical and organizational conditions
to be met by devices and IT systems used to process personal data (Journal of Laws
No. 100, item 1024).
§ 6 Final provisions
1. The Regulations enter into force on 01 May 2021.
2. The website owner has the right to amend these Regulations.
3. In matters not covered by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code shall
apply (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121, as amended), the Act of August 23, 2007 on
counteracting unfair market practices (Journal of Laws No. 171, item 1206, as amended) and
the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights (Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827).